Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Job Offer Requirements

The teacher gave us a request for original work to observe the different parts that make up, more trade with our job offer we took out the requirements they asked us to make a letter of presentation

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

This is my english notebook

Here write down all the notes that the teacher says in class:

Mojacar Record

  • This is a redacction of mojacar record, for desciption day the mojacar, 9 Wendnesdat day.
Mojacar Recod.
The last week go to Mojcarcar, on Wednesdat, day 9. Doind a curse of care and tratament of autism spectrum disorders and make activities.

On the 9th day of the course we conducted a theoretical class and two practices a sensory age and another intervention in the classroom where they gave us techniques and guidelines for working with children with TEA 

At night it was the night of the costumes and we disguised ourselves as the color monster then we danced in the nightclub it was very funny

The town of Mojacar is very nice you have great views. the apparatuses super beautiful and comfortable and we spent about 4 days very good and in good company what I liked most was the time to eat because it was all good always full of food

Day Nursery

Here you can see the different rooms of a nursery in this case there are 4 rooms and two more that are for different uses such as psychomotricity.  
 This is my favorite KIndergarten UK ------What I liked most about this school is its methodology and the way of transmitting values ​​to children through different activities and with the explanation
Andrea´s Kindergarten
Day Nursery
Lay aut

Welcome to Tiny Town Kindergarten

Telephone: 0118 9814325

Address:Tiny Town Kindergarten, 1 Mount Pleasant, Tadley, Hampshire, RG21 4BZ
United Kingdom
  • Craft Room
  • Main Room

  • Sensory Room

  • Craft Room. Our craft room is resourced so the children can self select. The emphasis is on child initiated creativity, encouraging independence and reflecting the child’s own thought and ideas. The resources are accessible and grouped for ease of locality by all of the age groups. The babies, 2’s, 3’s and preschool children access this creative area sharing resources provided by the nursery and also items bought in from home. Our craft room is resourced so the children can self select. The emphasis is on child initiated creativity, encouraging independence and reflecting the child’s own thought and ideas. The babies, 2’s, 3’s and preschool children access this creative area sharing resources provided by the nursery and also items bought in from home. Example of this room:

  • Main Room. The main classroom is for children aged 2-5 years. Within the classroom environment children have opportunities for free choice, resources are easily assessable for the children and labelled with words and pictures so even the youngest members can self select. The staff support the children within small groups to learn and develop through interaction and communication. Example of this room:

  • Sensory Room.The sensory room is an area for a small group of children. The room itself has visual, auditory and sensory experiences which encourage observation, investigation and exploration as well as being an area where children can express themselves with music. Example of this room:

Son The Wheels on The Bus

We made this video to learn English for young children:
The objective of this video is to Learn a song in English and to be able to show it to small children. 

Application Letter

Date: 02/05/18

In English class he has a Application Letter, first the teacher explained the steps and then we did it.
Learn about European job seeking employment platforms
We learnt how to apply to of a job advert in written. 
Goals. -Auquire profesional skills 
-Help empoyment apportonities. 
-Lear vocabulary related to job seeking.
First step choose a job offer second step choose the requirements
and then make theapllication letter.


This is my finally note:

Normal Stages of Human Development

Date 16/04/18
 In class the teacher explained the stages of development of young children, according to age, and later we made an oral presentation of   one of the stages,          

Video Parets School

Date 14/03/18

This is the video of a TV show, we explain how to change the nappy. We should never leave the baby alone we always have to have a hand over.

The objective of this video is to learn how to change a nappy.

This is what we say: